Category Archives: Issues
Working, but needing public assistance anyway
Many workers hold regular jobs, but still require public assistance to get by.
D.C. home health-care workers file class-action suit alleging wage theft
D.C. home health-care workers filed a class action lawsuit against four agencies, alleging that they were cheated out of wages and denied overtime and sick pay
Europe tries welfare reform
Mayor Bowser and DCPS Launch Bold New Initiative to Empower Males of Color – DC Public Schools, Washington, DC
Kicking Off Women’s History Month, Grosso Introduces Bill to Ensure Gender Equity in DC
On March 3, 2015, Council member David Grosso introduces a bill to achieve gender equity by implementing CEDAW, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1979, signed by US President Jimmy Carter but was never ratified by the U.S. nor seven other countries. It requires gender analysis reporting on DC government agencies to measure equity based on gender in their operations, as well as a citywide plan to address any gaps that are identified.… Read more