Black women are most heavily impacted by Arkansas state’s criminalization of failure to pay rent.
Category Archives: Headlines
Women Earn Lower Than Men in Nearly All the Women Dominated Industries.
Women’s median earnings are lower than men’s in nearly all occupations, whether they work in occupations predominantly done by women, occupations predominantly done by men, or occupations with a more even mix of men and women, according to this report by the Institute for Women’s Policy Research
Over 50% of public assistance goes to working families
More than half (56%) of combined state and federal public assistance in the US (TANF, Medicaid/CHIP/SNAP benefits) goes to Working Families (those with at least 1 member working 27 weeks a year more than 10 hours a week.)
Working, but needing public assistance anyway
Many workers hold regular jobs, but still require public assistance to get by.
D.C. home health-care workers file class-action suit alleging wage theft
D.C. home health-care workers filed a class action lawsuit against four agencies, alleging that they were cheated out of wages and denied overtime and sick pay
Deloitte names its first female CEO
Deloitte, a Fortune 500 company recently named its first female CEO, Cathy Engelbert. The story makes news.… Read more