DC 2021 Basic Income March

The 2021 DC Basic Income March is nearing! This upcoming Saturday, September 25 at 1 pm – join us for brief tributes at the Martin Luther King Memorial on the National Mall, then proceed with us to the Wilson Building at 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue. March and chant with us from the MLK Memorial past the World War II Memorial, the National Museum of African American History, along 15th Street and east to Pennsylvania Ave at the Wilson Building. At 2:30 pm, we will rally around the need for guaranteed basic income.We are calling for the following: Mayor Bowser to joinMayors for A Guaranteed Income and the D.C. City Council to adequately fund guaranteed basic income programs and to pass policies that support it! Register for the event here: https://tinyurl.com/ubimarchdc and for more information about other marches taking place around the country visit www.basicincomemarch,com.

The speaker line-up will galvanize us to reflect upon and demand local and national guaranteed income policies and resources that will address racial and economic justice in DC! Sure to inspire us – these D.C. parents, activists, advocates, and students are scheduled to deliver remarks:

Yazmine Blake
Jillian Burford
Hope Fultz
Rev. Wendy Hamilton
George Jones
Jasmine Lauren
Joseph Leitmann-Santa Cruz 
Dominic Moulden
Chioma Oruh
Alexander O’Sullivan
Zachary Parker
Steven Shafarman
Chistian Sutton
Venorica “Vee” Tucker
Melody Webb

The struggle against poverty through guaranteed income is proving to be a credible and strong solution across the country and in our local DC region. And the 2021 DC Basic Income March is a powerful step on a journey that requires the strengths of every one of us to complete. Let’s continue and grow the contributions of individuals and organizations across the Washington, D.C. community to this effort. 

Serve Your City/Ward 6 Mutual Aid shares that they are a proud sponsor of the 2021 DC Basic Income March & Rally, with member Kristin G. Sekerci leading efforts to support accessibility needs for the event. ONE DC members Alex and Cheryl are preparing to serve as parade marshals following their stints canvassing for guaranteed income in DC, and Spaces in Action member Jasmine Lauren will be one of the parents providing remarks at the gathering. Restaurant Opportunities Center-DC worker-leader Vee Tucker continues to lead by her visionary example. The 2021 DC Basic Income March Organizing Committee members are greatly appreciated for their time and attention in planning this year’s March.

We look forward to seeing you at the 2021 DC Basic Income March. Details will soon follow on the live-streaming of this event. You may register for the March here: tinyurl.com/ubimarchdc. Or, if you wish, just show up! We welcome your participation either way!